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Clinical Reformer Accessories

4 Items

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Oversized Standing Platform for Studio Reformer close-up photo

Oversized Standing Platform for Studio Reformer®

Balanced Body Oversized Standing Platform adds versatility and function to your Reformer. This popular accessory increases the size of the built-in platform giving you more room for feet, handles, knees and elbows, depending on exercise. It works with all Balanced Body Studio Reformer footbar configurations and includes a pad for added comfort, and secure non-skid surface. Maple wood matches your Studio Reformer.
Tower & Mat Conversion Retrofit Kit
Proprioception T-Bar product photo

Proprioception T-Bar

An exclusive Balanced Body® product, the Proprioception T-Bar helps Physical Therapists and Rehabilitation Specialists assess patient asymmetries on the Clinical Reformer®, Studio Reformer® or Reformer Trapeze Combination™.
padded jumpboard on clinical reformer with infinity footbar

Padded Jumpboard for Clinical Reformer®

Experience stability and comfort with Balanced Body's signature Padded Jumpboard, compatible with the Clinical Reformer®/ Studio Reformer® with Infinity Footbar. For clinicians and rehab professionals – the Padded Jumpboard supports a biomechanically accurate standing position while lying on the Reformer, and correct foot position during exercise. This Jumpboard has a padded surface for added comfort and support, making it ideal for rehab exercises and advanced practice. Its durable construction and easy-to-install design makes it a versatile addition to your Reformer.