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Pilates & Scoliosis

According to the National Scoliosis Foundation, Scoliosis (a sideways curve of the spine) affects an estimated 6 – 9 million people in the United States. Scoliosis can develop in infancy or early childhood. However, the primary age of onset for Scoliosis is 10-15 years old, occurring equally among both genders. Females are 8 times more likely to progress to a curve magnitude that requires treatment. Scoliosis can lead to chronic pain, lung and heart damage, and a notable change in appearance. Instructors have used exercises for scoliosis in maintaining the curvature with some noted success.

When it comes to exercises for scoliosis, many certified instructors and clinicians incorporate Pilates in their work with Scoliosis patients. These professionals have seen the difference Pilates makes in helping clients move better, feel better and gain confidence in their every day lives.

Currently there is no research that supports claims that Pilates can reduce structural scoliosis. The resources here reflect the experience of the authors in decreasing pain and discomfort while increasing strength and balance, in clients with scoliosis. Consult with your healthcare professional before undertaking any of these techniques. If you have resources you’d like to share about Pilates and Scoliosis please contact us.
