
Videos and Articles

Here you will find a variety of informative tools, including our “How to Choose Your Reformer” video series, Space Planner that shows you BB equipment footprint in your studio, and Balanced Body Garage “how to” video library for assembly and maintenance tips.

We also have a collection of short exercise videos to inspire you, as well as articles on trending topics like “Pilates and Knee Injuries.”

*NEW* Balanced Body Studio Finder – submit your Studio to be included!

We are excited to launch our new, improved Studio Finder. It has enhanced search functionality, more accurate results and the opportunity to showcase your Studio. And there is no charge to BB customers to be listed – our goal is to help drive new clients to your website!

First, we want to make sure it is filled with our studio partners. Please take a few minutes to complete the form below. We will review applications, respond to you with any questions, and publish qualified studios in the Studio Finder.

Thank you for your participation!

Exercise Breaks

An array of free exercise video clips to keep you moving in all directions!


Calculate Your ROI

How quickly can you expect a return on your investment in Pilates equipment and training? Our ROI (return on investment) calculator takes the guesswork out of planning a profitable Pilates program.