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Allegro® 2 Standing Platform Extender

Larger platform surface increases functionality! The Allegro 2 Reformer Standing Platform Extender doubles the width and depth of the Reformer's standard built-in platform with matching surface height of carriage. Creates comfortable padded surface for knees, elbows, and arms, and matches surface height of carriage. This means new exercise options that support your progression in your practice!
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Add variety to your workouts with this versatile, drop-in Standing Platform Extender for your Allegro® 2 Reformer. The expanded surface area is ideal for standing, kneeling and supine exercise! Gain many new exercise options—plus a more functional and comfortable surface for anyone with larger feet.

Featuring maple wood to beautifully match your Allegro 2 Reformer, the Standing Platform Extender has a non-skid surface for safe, secure positioning. We include a custom-designed pad that covers the entire extended platform and elevate the surface to match the height of the Reformer carriage. The Standing Platform Extender enables simultaneous use of the Platform and your Jumpboard on the Allegro 2 Reformer, as in seated exercises that use the Jumpboard for back support. 

Dimensions:  25″ x 5.75″ (63.5cm x 14.6cm)

Drop-in installation with no assembly required. 



Standing Platform Extenders provide a large stable surface for varied foot, leg, hand, arm, glute and torso support. Standing Platform Extenders are “gap fillers”, creating a larger carriage surface for some mat exercises. They can also reduce the need for complete mat conversion of the Reformer

When in use the Standing Platform Extender may add an additional step when making any type of spring/resistance adjustment. In addition, Standing Platform Extenders are not available for Metro IQ and Fletcher Reformers.

The Standing Platform Extender comes with a pad that covers the entire surface area for additional comfort.
