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Spinefitter® by SISSEL®, Linum

Use in combination with the Spinefitter, the Spinefitter Linum is a heating/cooling pad with linseed for targeted local treatment of the muscles near the spine. When heated, the Linum provides muscle relief to increase the effectiveness of your training. Follow preparation instructions included. 100% cotton black cover.

Used at room temperature, the Spinefitter Linum effectively diffuses pressure points for more sensitive patients. May also be used chilled.

  • Linseed contours for targeted treatment
  • Provides muscle relief, increasing the effectiveness of your Spinefitter
  • Warm in microwave or use at room temperatures, and for desired cold treatment, chill in freezer or refrigerator
  • 100% cotton black cover
  • Follow preparation instructions included 
  • Sold in US and Canada only
  • Watch Polestar CEO Brent Anderson and Spinefitter Master Instructor Alexander Bohlander discuss "Self Mobilization with Spinefitter"
  • For Spinefitter professional continuing education, please see Polestar's Pilates Meets Spinefitter course
