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Proprioception T-Bar

An exclusive Balanced Body® product, the Proprioception T-Bar helps Physical Therapists and Rehabilitation Specialists assess patient asymmetries on the Clinical Reformer®, Studio Reformer® or Reformer Trapeze Combination™.
2 week lead time

This innovative proprioception tool also supports clinicians’ work with patients on hip alignment, and trunk and pelvic stabilization in a dynamic environment. The patient lies on the Reformer, placing their feet on the Proprioception T-Bar in a weight-bearing position. The T-Bar swivels on both the horizontal and vertical axes, allowing the therapist to observe weight bearing tendencies.

Note: The Proprioception T-bar requires pre-drilling of the Reformer frame. The Clinical Reformer® is pre-drilled to accept the Proprioception T-Bar. If you own a pre-drilled Clinical Reformer frame, you can purchase and use a T-Bar at any time. To use the T-Bar on a Studio Reformer® or Reformer Trapeze Combination™, you must order the T-Bar at same time as your equipment so that we can pre-drill your frame. Please email us or call us 916-388-2838 with any questions.
