ROI Tool
ROI Tool
How quickly can you expect a return on your investment in Pilates equipment and training? Our ROI Tool (return on investment) takes the guesswork out of planning a profitable Pilates program. Use this tool to test how your program results might vary depending on:
- Fees for group classes, duet and private sessions
- # of Clients per class and/or session, per day, per week
- Upfront investment in equipment and/or professional training
- Administrative expenses
Our ROI Tool is super easy to use, and you can run as many scenarios as you wish (different equipment, classes/privates/duets, and instructor pay.) If any questions, please email us

Equipment Investment
Allegro Reformer
Allegro 2 Reformer
Studio Reformer
Trapeze Table
Combo Chair
Exo Chair
Ladder Barrel
Props (mats, rollers, rings etc.)
Equipment Not Listed Above
Total Equipment Investment =($0)
Weekly Training Revenue
Private Revenue
Private Weekly Revenue = $0
Private Annual Revenue = $0
Total Training Revenue
Private, Semi-Private and Group combined
Weekly Revenue = $0
Annual Revenue = $0
Annual Business Expenses
Instructor Annual Pay
Instructor Training Cost
Cost of Space (Dedicated)
- Administrative Cost
(marketing, maintenance, insurance)
Total Annual Business Expenses =($0)
Total Business Expenses =($0)
Net Daily Revenue = $0
Net Annual Revenue = $0
Working Days to Recapture Investment
Annualized Net Income