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Burst-Resistant Fitness Balls

Great for active sitting, exercise, and physical therapy! Our Burst Resistant Fitness Balls help improve balance, core strength, flexibility and add motion to each session. 2 sizes to accommodate your height. Pump included.
Volume discounts are available. Please contact your sales rep at 1-916-388-2838 or email us for more details
Select Size
55cm Red

Fitness Ball Sizing
Choose the best Fitness Ball size for you based on your height. When seated on the ball, hips and knees should be parallel to the floor (or hips slightly higher – never lower – than knees). You may need a larger ball if your legs are proportionally long for your height. If in doubt, buy the larger ball. If necessary, adjust the ball diameter by inflating it to less than maximum size. 

Size chart:
Your Height / Ball Size (max. height/diameter)
4’8″ to 5’3″ 55cm (21 in.)
5’3″ to 6’0″ 65cm (25 in.) - purchase 65cm Exercise Ball

Do not use Fitness Ball with other Exercise equipment. 

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